Monday, September 30, 2013

The Gazebo- One of Maui's finest breakfasts

Located in Napili Shores Condo complex, The Gazebo has been a favorite breakfast place of mine since the mid 90's! With a beautiful setting along the coast, this open air restaurant serves amazing omelettes, pancakes (pineapple, coconut, and macadamia nut), fried rice, and other exciting dishes. If you haven't tried POG (Pineapple Orange Guava) juice be sure and try it.

The scenery is always fun especially during whale season, when you can see whales jumping from your table. If possible, get there early as the first setting starts at 7:30 (so go if you're still jet lagging from the US as you'll be up early anyways). If you get there by 7:00 you should make the first setting, otherwise, be prepared to wait in line for about half an hour.

The staff has been there FOREVER, or so it seems and they're all wonderful people (think Hawaii Hippies), who will take good care of you in a timely fashion and get you on your way to enjoy the rest of the island. After breakfast you can take a short walk on Napili Shores Beach or go snorkeling with the sea turtles at Honokeana Cove (in front of Napili Point).

Do this along with:
Kapalua Coastal Trail
Napili Bay
Honokeana Cove snorkeling
Ritz Carlton

 The Gazebo Restaurant
 Napili Shores Beach from The Gazebo

Honokeana Cove at Sunset

Why I'm Doing This

I originally spent time in Maui working on a cruise ship (Oceanic Independence) in the early 80's. I fell in love with the island and promised myself that one day I would own property there. That actually happened in 1994 when my brother, father, and I (and our wonderful spouses) purchased a condominium in Napili Point! I've been going there ever since, and I can't tell you how many times I've been told by friends and others that I should share my local knowledge with others.

So that is what I'm going to try to do with this blog.....I'm sure you'll find everything and every place I post on other travel guides, blogs, etc., but I'm going to hopefully give you an unbiased itinerary to choose from. Depending on where you're staying and travel distances, I will have a "Do This Along With" section so that you can combine activities into half/full day adventures.  I will also try to share lots of beautiful photos, taken over the years from all over Maui! Please feel free to comment, ask questions, etc. and I'll do my best to answer in a timely fashion.

View from Napili Point with Birds of Paradise in the foreground.

Yours Truly